A gunner is who uses a firearm as their main weapon of choice to combat demons in MegaTen. Their main attribute is Speed which increases their firearm damage.
Advantages of Gunners
Pin-pointer - Able to pinpoint a single enemy which is useful for luring/kiting or eliminating the most troublesome enemies as soon as possible without luring the enemies around the main target
Long Range - Have the highest range out of all the classes. Does Not Apply to Rapids
Difficult to hit - With Counter, Dodge and Rapid , a skilled gunner can re-actively stay out of harm's way against many enemies and prepare for a Shot attack.
High DPS - Rapid is one of the highest DPS, only second to Attack Melee, this is countered by their near point-blank range.
Variety - Different play-styles depending on expertise used.
[edit]Disadvantages of Gunners
Cast Time - Gunners start off with slow attacks with either long cool-downs or cast times, length decreases later on. This is the downside to a gunner's defensive aspects.
Ammunition - Gunners must have stocks of ammunition in their inventory at all times.
Fragile - Gunners usually have little to no Vitality, thus most have low HP. This becomes a problem mostly around demon mobs.
Weak Modifiers - Magic Bullet and Shot Type Gunners have some of the weakest damager modifiers in the game
Near Point-Blank Range as rapid - Rapids, though possessing high DPS Ability must close to almost point blank range before firing.
Speed - Increases damage with firearms. Reduces Cooldown and Incantation effect as secondary effect.
Luck - Increases Critical hit rate and Critical hit defense.
Magic - Raises max MP and damage for Magic Bullet.
Intelligence - Only useful for Hybrid builds with Enhance.
Sharpshooter - A Battle Expertise Skill for enhancing the damage that guns do against certain demon species.
Expertise Required
Class 2 Rank 0 Shot
Class 1 Rank 0 Gun Knowledge
Class 2 Rank 0 Demonology
Magic Bullet - A Battle Expertise Skill for endowing gunshots with curse magic and elemental abilities.
Expertise Required
Class 2 Rank 0 Shot
Class 1 Rank 0 Gun Knowledge
Class 2 Rank 0 Curse Magic
Class 1 Rank 0 Magic Control
Variations build for Gunner
Gunners deal damage primarily through the Speed attribute
Additional Points on MB Gunners:
MB gunners additionally require high Magic, as MB is calculated with 100% Lng-R + 50% Spell Stats.
Sometimes MB Gunners go Speed/Luck, though this build is comparatively rare and only really useful for MB/SS/Regal
Additional Pointers on Rapid Gunners:
Rapid Gunners Utilize Speed and Luck due to magic not modifying their damage, luck allows for more critical hits and higher damage potential to the rapid.
Additional Pointers on Pure Shot and Shot/SS Gunners
These Gunners also use a Speed/Luck build
Intelligence is relatively useless for most gunners, same with Vitality. Strength is especially useless.
Standard Expertise Builds
Shot/SS - Deals Damage with a +30% Racial Boost Due to SS Toggles
MB/SS - Deals Damage with a +30% Racial Boost Due to SS Toggles
Rapid/SS - Deals Damage with a +30% Racial Boost Due to SS Toggles
Hybrid Expertise Builds
Curse Of The Wretched Hybrid Builds
MB/CoTW - Hybrid Build focusing on Debuffs
MB/SS/CoTW - To be Added Later
Rapid/CoTW - To be Added Later
Enhance Hybrid Builds
MB/Enhance - Hybrid Build Focusing on Support
Rapid/Enhance - To be Added Later
Advanced Builds
Counter/Dodge/Rapid - Prototype build for Rapid Survivalist. Scrapped in favor of current one.
Rapid Survivalist - Advanced build centered around around survivability.
Rapid/Regal/MB - Advanced Build centered around High-Damage-Low-HP Point Blank Range attacks (Also Nicknamed Suicide Rapid)
MB/SS/Regal - Advanced Build centered around High-Damage-Low-HP Long Range Shots (Weaker than Rapid/Regal/MB, but more survivable)
Specification of the Build
Least Classes of Expertise for:
Max Magic Bullet
Class 3 Curse Magic (0.3)
Class 1 Magic Control (0.2)
Class 9 Gun Knowledge (3.6)
Class 3 Shot (.9)
= 16 classes
Max Sharpshoot
Class 2 Gun Knowledge (0.4)
Class 9 Shot (3.6)
Class 5 Demonology (2.0)
= 16 classes
Max Sharpshoot & Magic Bullet
Class 9 Shot
Class 8 Gun Knowledge
Class 2 Demonology
Class 2 Curse Magic
Class 1 Magic Control
= 22 classes
Class 5 Sharpshoot & Max Magic Bullet
Class 7 Shot
Class 7 Gun Knowledge
Class 2 Demonology
Class 2 Curse Magic
Class 1 Magic Control
= 19 Classes
Anyways - here we go:
1st Part: MagicBullet-Gunners
These mainly focus on dealing damage while standing far away from enemies and mainly focus on one hit-damage
1st Build: Simple MB/SS Gunner
Stats: Speed: 99, Magic: ~70-75, Int: ~30
Expertise: Shot Class9, Curse Magic Class2, Demonology Class2, Gun Knowledge Class8, Magic Control Class1
ChainExpertise: MagicBullet Class6.2, SharpShooter Class6
Used EXP-Points/lvl needed for this build: 22.000 -> lvl 50
PROs and CONs:
+ You will be able to deal insane amounts of damage to one enemy (or if you use gears like leader/palais-set + DVA/Omen-Parts to many enemies due to low CD)
+ Relatively low lvl needed so this build already works at level 60-70 (you need that lvl for maxing speed at least)
- nothing interesting, experimenting in this build (for some ppl a problem^^)
2nd Build: MB/SS + Retal Gunner
Stats: Speed: 99, Magic: ~70-75, Int: ~30
Expertise: Shot Class9, Curse Magic Class2, Demonology Class2, Gun Knowledge Class8, Magic Control Class1, Attack Class2, WeaponKnowledge Class1, Survival Techniques Class1
ChainExpertise: MagicBullet Class6.2, SharpShooter Class6, Retaliation Class1.2
Used EXP-Points/lvl needed for this build: 26.000 -> lvl90
PROs and CONs:
+ You will be able to deal insane amounts of damage to one enemy (or if you use gears like leader/palais-set + DVA/Omen-Parts to many enemies due to low CD) since you can abuse DyingLight/Hres/beef/Soulbreaker/redYS and other items that boost like this: "If hp is low you deal high damage"
+ easy way to lower your HP fast with retaliation toggle from class1
+ very exciting to run a dungeon at ultra-low hp and to make sure that nothing(!!) hits you since you are death if it does^^
- you need and i mean NEED to be law that this build works properly
- you are very vulnerable when you hit highest since you have to be at around 10-20HP what is onehit by most enemies
- Level90 needed so this build needs a high level to be completed
2nd Part: Rapid-Gunners
These mainly focus on dealing damage while standing quite close enemies and mainly focus on damaging many enemies in a short time
3rd Build: Simple Rapid/SS Gunner
Stats: Speed: 99, Luck: 99
Expertise: Shot Class9, Rapid Class8, Demonology Class3, Gun Knowledge Class6,
ChainExpertise: SharpShooter Class6
Used EXP-Points/lvl needed for this build: 26.000 -> lvl90
PROs and CONs:
+ With your Rapid-Skills you will be able to deal insane amounts of damage with nearly-AoE-effect
+ With the added SharpShooter your damage will be increased even more^^
- nothing interesting, experimenting in this build (for some ppl a problem^^)
- Level90 needed so this build - even if it is some kinda easy - needs a high level to be completed
4th Build: Rapid/SS + Retal Gunner
Stats: Speed: 99, Luck: ~70-75, Int: ~30
Expertise: Shot Class3, Rapid Class8, Demonology Class2, Gun Knowledge Class9, Attack Class2, WeaponKnowledge Class1, Survival Techniques Class1
ChainExpertise: SharpShooter Class3.8, Retaliation Class1.2
Used EXP-Points/lvl needed for this build: 26.000 -> lvl90
PROs and CONs:
+ You will be able to deal insane amounts of damage since you can abuse DyingLight/Hres/beef/Soulbreaker/redYS and other items that boost like this: "If hp is low you deal high damage"
+ easy way to lower your HP fast with retaliation toggle from class1
+ very exciting to run a dungeon at ultra-low hp and to make sure that nothing(!!) hits you since you are death if it does^^
- you need and i mean NEED to be law that this build works properly
- you are very vulnerable when you hit highest since you have to be at around 10-20HP what is onehit by most enemies
- Level90 needed so this build needs a high level to be completed
- you cannot use all the useful toggles from SharpShooter (guardian-toggle for ichi gold and god/human-toggle for pvp or celu gold are missing)
4th Build: Rapid/SS + MB Gunner
Stats: Speed: 99, Luck: ~75-80 (this is what i use since i use LB+crit but you can also use this: Speed: 99, Magic: ~70, Luck: ~50
Expertise: Shot Class5.5, Rapid Class8, Curse Magic Class2, Demonology Class2, Gun Knowledge Class7.5, Magic Control Class1
ChainExpertise: MagicBullet Class5.0, SharpShooter Class4.5
Used EXP-Points/lvl needed for this build: 26.000 -> lvl90
PROs and CONs:
+ You will be able to use skills from MB and Rapid with is a nice combination between long long-range and short long-range skills
+ You will be able to increase your damage via using SS toggles on most enemies ingame
- You cannot use all the SS toggles (PvP and gods-toggles are missing)
- Level90 needed so this build needs a high level to be completedwhat is onehit by most enemies
4th Part: Enhancement-Gunners
These mainly focus on dealing damage while enhancing themselves or their party as well; quite often used for solo-runs and pvp
6th Build: MB/Enhance/CotW-Gunner
Stats: Speed: 99, Magic: ~40, Intelligence: 70
Expertise: Support Magic Class4, Curative Magic Class2, Bless Class1, Shot Class3, Curse Magic Class5, Gun Knowledge Class9, Magic Control Class2
ChainExpertise: MagicBullet Class5.4, Enhancement Class2.5, CotW Class3.2
Used EXP-Points/lvl needed for this build: 26.000 -> lvl90
Additional information:
- You have to use full vishnu-tarot-set so this build works (13*5 INT = 65 INT from tarot + hres (5INT) = 70 INT (-> with your 70 INT base = 140INT)
- You will want to use brown salon-slacks and/or top to support your hexes so they land more often
- You maybe should be law for this build since vishnu-ss (top) and vishnu-tarots gives you nice boosts if you are law
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