Jumat, 06 April 2012

Re-Copy guidelines from Megaten Forum

I heard our Megaten Forum will be deleted from AG&E.Even if there's a Megaten Forum GS said that AG&E will keep few threads there,so that we can visit AG&E again,but to be honest,i doubt it.

I dont wanna make this looks like I'm a bad guy,but even if one of the staff said it,based on the forum rule of AG&E,Once the game isnt there anymore,nothing will be kept.Not even a thread request.Believe me,it is the only remaining time to re-copy all the guidelines from Megaten Forum into your blog/website/et cetera.

I,as a SUBMASTER,has planning to rewrite it here,so that once my clanmate looking for info,They dont need to open japan wiki,translate it,too much work.
They can visit this blog,so that everything will not go wasted.

Having said that,I'll take advantage of the remaining time to take everything,guidelines,walkthrough,build suggestion etc.and copy it here.
I'm not gonna take the credit for myself,but If you want to give credit,give it to all the veteran who put the effort on testing it,and posting it into our beloved Megaten Forum.

I think I'll start to rewrite everything in 2 hours.Gonna do few stuff first,then do this.I hope i can finish everything today,or tomorrow.

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